Chuck Monty

AKA SeductiGhoul

Fantasy Artist specializing +18 Spicy & Romantic Character Design & Commission Work.*You must be +18 to commission.
*You must read the Terms of Service to fill out a form.
Commission openings will be announced on Twitter & Bluesky
Not what you are looking for? Try my SFW Profile

Commission Info

⬇Character Pricing⬇⬇Background Pricing⬇⬇Client Guide⬇

Character Pricing

Background Pricing

Client Guide

  • It looks as though I will be changing how I take commissions due to the rise in forms I get.

  • This is Awesome and I thank everyone for your interest.

  • I will still announce each Sunday whether I'm booked or have openings, or if someone has to drop out.

  • Now when I open forms, it will be to book for the month (or so).

  • Only filled forms with clear details and reference will be considered first.

  • If you fill out a form you will be contacted and get a follow up email to refine your commission details and a start date if not for that week.

  • You will be expected to answer these emails quickly to confirm your interest, details and start date. (12 to 24 hours and check your Spam/Junk folders)

  • I devote myself to focusing on my clients of the week. Once your start date comes around, You will be my focus, not before I'm afraid.

  • You will receive your estimate on your week.

  • I am always willing to work with my clients if my price quote doesn't fit your budget. (ie: Colour instead of render..)

  • You will be required to put %50 of your commission quote down for me to begin your commission.

  • If you cannot start your commission for any reason, you will be put into my casual waitlist and your details will be kept for 1 month. You will contact me when you are ready to start. This does not reserve you a spot, you will be placed in the queue again and receive a start date.

  • If your commission idea has changed you must fill out a new form and be placed in the queue again to recieve a start date.